Gastric Sleeve in the Canary Islands

Lose weight effectively

Gastric sleeve treatment in the Canary Islands

In recent years, treatments aimed at weight loss have become more and more popular and are in increasing demand by patients. Obesity is one of the most common problems in our society and hundreds of people wish to lose a few pounds to improve their health and quality of life.

There are a large number of procedures that we can perform to get rid of excess weight. Obviously, a balanced diet and exercise are the two essential habits that we cannot forget. But sometimes we need a push to make things easier.

That is precisely why at Clínica ICA we specialise in stomach reduction treatments. One of the most popular is the gastric sleeve, which is a minimally invasive surgery that reduces the size of our stomach.

The gastric sleeve is the least invasive bariatric surgery, since it uses the laparoscopic technique, which allows us to reduce the size of our stomach by up to 80%. This reduces hunger, generates a greater feeling of satiety and improves our relationship with food.

In Clínica ICA we are committed to carry out an exhaustive follow-up of the evolution of each patient during the whole year after the operation. We will advise you to change your eating habits for good and improve your health and well-being.

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What is a gastric sleeve?

The gastric sleeve operation is based on a very basic procedure: removing between 60 and 80% of the stomach's capacity. In the process, we will make the stomach into a tube or sleeve shape (hence the name). This will result in less food being eaten and more satiety.

The laparoscopic technique used is very minimally invasive. We only have to make five incisions with a surgical scalpel. In addition to that, only an intragastric camera and a stapler are needed to close the incisions.

During the operation, we will remove the main curvature of the stomach, which represents the area of greatest capacity. With the scalpel and stapler, we will cut away the excess, leaving the sleeve shape that gives the operation its name. The staples are made of a material that ensures that they are not rejected by the body.

It is a surgery with permanent effects and cannot be reversed in any case. Before undergoing this operation, we will have to make an appointment at the clinic to study our case and see if we are suitable for stomach reduction.

Who is this treatment indicated for?

The patients for whom this gastric sleeve treatment is recommended are people of legal age who have a body mass index between 30 and 40 points.

These patients will be people who suffer from morbid or premorbid obesity, and who have been trying to lose weight for years in different ways, without obtaining results.

In the same way, people with non-contagious pathologies such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular problems are perfect candidates for this surgery, as obesity is a trigger for these types of diseases, and reducing our weight will be decisive in treating them.

    What are the advantages of this treatment?

    The weight loss that takes place with gastric sleeve treatment is very efficient and safe. However, to achieve the best results, it is important that the operation is accompanied by good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle in general.

    We can lose between 10 and 50 kilos during the first months, depending on various factors and the follow-up we do with the operation. The main advantage of this treatment is that there is no rebound effect, since, unlike the gastric balloon, nothing is removed over time. 

    With proper nutritional advice, we will eat the right amount of macronutrients and maintain our nutritional health at all times. The main difference with other treatments is that this one is indicated for patients who have been trying to lose weight for many years without success.

      Frequently asked questions about the gastric sleeve at ICA

      How is the postoperative period?

      After the operation, we will have to stay in the clinic for at least two days until we can be discharged. We will always have to follow the medical recommendations, especially in terms of diet.

      The diet will be liquid for the first few days and semi-liquid for the first month. We can gradually add solid foods, depending on how our body responds to them.

      How long does it take for me to return to work?

      After surgery, the patient will be able to lead a normal life, returning to work after a couple of weeks at the most. The patient walks out of the clinic, so practically from the very first day, daily tasks that do not require much effort can be carried out.

      It will be necessary to wait longer for sports, as well as for tasks of high intensity. Within a month or so, the patient will most likely be able to lead a completely normal life in all respects.

      Can I gestate after gastric sleeve surgery?

      Yes, of course, you can become a mother after the operation. The only thing we have to take into account is that we will have to control our diet at all times, as the pregnancy process usually makes us put on between 10 and 12 kilos.

      What food and meals can I eat?

      At first, only liquid or semi-liquid meals. In less than a month solid food will be added and in most cases the patient's stomach responds without major problems.

      How long does the operation last and does it hurt?

      A gastric sleeve operation is performed with a quick and minimally invasive technique, which will not take more than an hour or an hour and a half in most cases. The operation is performed under anaesthetic, so the operation will be completely painless.

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